CGC Awards | Marketscale
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CGC Awards


The Celebration of Community-
Generated Content in B2B

The CGC Awards is a celebration of ingenuity, industry expertise, and authentic storytelling in the B2B space, recognizing content created exclusively by communities using webcams, mobile cameras, or other non-professional video equipment. This innovative awards platform honors those who push the boundaries of creativity and impact in business through categories like Global Thought Leadership, Multimedia Integration, and Emerging Technologies. Emphasizing content that resonates on a worldwide scale, the CGC Awards spotlight exceptional narratives, technological prowess, and collaborative efforts that not only captivate but also drive meaningful engagement and change within the global business community. It is a testament to the power of Community-Generated-Content to educate, inspire, and lead in the ever-evolving landscape of B2B.



Best Global Thought Leadership

Amphenol Broadband Solutions

Collaboration of the Year

Magnum Venus Products

Exceptional Brand Storytelling

Microdrones/Kuker Rankin

Innovator of the Year

Verizon Business - 2023 Healthcare on Air Year in Review

Best Use of Emerging Technologies

Czinger Vehicles and Divergent 3D

Excellence in Multimedia Integration


Global Community Engagement

Emergent Biosolutions

Sustainability and Social Impact

Icom America and the American Radio Relay League

Submission Categories

Best Global Thought Leadership

This distinction celebrates content that stands as a beacon of innovative insights, influencing thought and driving conversations in multiple sectors worldwide. It is a tribute to those who bring transformative perspectives to the global stage, shaping the future of industries with their visionary ideas.

Excellence in Multimedia Integration

This award commends the masterful orchestration of various media forms to construct a narrative that captivates on a global scale. It’s an accolade for those who excel in weaving together video, audio, text, and interactive elements to tell a story that’s not just comprehensive but truly engrossing.

Best Use of Emerging Technologies

This recognition is bestowed upon content that sets the bar for technological innovation, incorporating tools like AR/VR and AI to redefine content creation. It’s for the pioneers who use cutting-edge tech to craft experiences that lead the charge in global digital storytelling.

Global Community Engagement

This category honors content that has made waves across the globe, sparking meaningful dialogue and knitting together a diverse audience into a cohesive community. It celebrates the power of content to build bridges and create a unified global conversation.

Exceptional Brand Storytelling

This recognition is for those who tell their brand’s story in a way that resonates deeply and establishes a strong emotional and intellectual connection with audiences around the world. It is about crafting a narrative that transcends borders and cements a global brand presence.

Sustainability and Social Impact

This award acknowledges content that champions positive change, effectively raising awareness and prompting action on global sustainability and social issues. It’s for content that not only informs but galvanizes the global community to rally for a better future.

Collaboration of the Year

Celebrating the synergy of collaboration, this accolade is for a collective endeavor that exemplifies the exceptional outcomes of shared creativity and vision. It’s about honoring the joint efforts that lead to innovative and impactful content with a global reach.

Innovator of the Year

This award is reserved for the trailblazers who rewrite the rules of content creation, demonstrating unparalleled innovation that inspires the industry worldwide. It’s a salute to the leaders who are not just ahead of the curve but actively defining it.

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